Kraaam Mikaela och ses kanske aldrig mer på den här bloggen:(
onsdag 24 juni 2009
Ny blogg:D
Nu har jag skaffat en ny blogg på De heter hoppas att ni gillar den och kommenterar:D
torsdag 18 juni 2009
Ses efter sommaren!
onsdag 17 juni 2009
Haha, Taylor-Ros Killen<3

Jag läste precis i en ny tidning som heter "Double Dish" och dom har skrivit några artiklar om twilight. på en sida hade dom skrivit om Taylor och här är en liten bit av den:
Taylor: "I buy roses all the time. Roses for my mom, roses for everybody! I'm a rosy kinda guy! I also like to do cards. I rarley go out and buy roses from a store-I hand-make them," Taylor admits.
Fin Video
Hittade detta fina klippet på twilightsweden och bara kände att jag behövde ha den på min blogg med:)
Robert med sår i ansiktet...
Robert var i New York med sår i ansiktet. Många trode att han hade varit med i bråk men det är ingen fara för att det var bara smink till hans film "Remember Me"

Kraaam Mikaela

Kraaam Mikaela
tisdag 16 juni 2009
Kelly Clarkson kanske ska vara med på New Moon soundtracked
Kommer låten att passa i New Moon? Det tycker jag:)
Kram Mikaela
Robert vann "The most handsom man in the world"
måndag 15 juni 2009
söndag 14 juni 2009
Intervju med Eclipse directören David Slade
Här är en intervju med David Slade som är Eclipse direktören:
"What will differ about Slade’s Twilight? “I don’t really know. We haven’t even started shooting yet.” While the director says he has a basic idea of what he wants to do with it, he is more concerned with telling a good story than being “different.” “It is darker, and there is a lot more action than the previous two,” he admits. “The third book is from Bella’s point of view, but the film will be more objective.” And just how will he do that? “We are going to focus on the origin stories of several characters, like Jacob, and show how Bella will decide between Edward and Jacob.”
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Kanske Coldplay på New Moon soundtracket?
Förmodligen så kommer låten "The Scientist" som är skriven och spelad av Coldplay vara med i New Moon soundtracket. På Coldplays hemsida står det så här:
It's very likely that a Coldplay song will end up on the soundtrack to the Twilight sequel given that Stephenie Meyer has credited Coldplay, amongst others, on the inner sleeve for "being instrumental in staving off the writer's block".
Här är Låten "The Scientist"
It's very likely that a Coldplay song will end up on the soundtrack to the Twilight sequel given that Stephenie Meyer has credited Coldplay, amongst others, on the inner sleeve for "being instrumental in staving off the writer's block".
Här är Låten "The Scientist"
Taylor var på Stanley Cup Final
Gullig Bild=)
onsdag 10 juni 2009
Behind the scenes med Teen Photoshoot
Här är en video på Taylor när han guidar oss runt när dom blir fotade för Teen photoshoot:
Kram Mikaela
Kram Mikaela
10 saker varför tjejer älskar vampyrer
Jag var inne på och så hittade jag en lista på varför tjejer blir kära i vampyrer:
Vampires are loners: The average guy runs with a pack; a group of close drinking buddies who come over to watch the game, hit the links on the weekends and get into trouble together. This clan takes up quality time and attention that is usually reserved for a girlfriend. Vampires work alone. They don’t have many friends, and if they do, they are usually out doing their own thing. Women love vampires because they have all the time in the world. Literally.
What the single guy could learn: Don’t hang out with your friends so much. Make time for her and occasionally bag plans with the boys. The guys, the game, the golf, and the beers will always be there. Show her you are your own man.
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Intervju med Chris Weitz

Här är en intervju av Metro där dom intervjuar Chris Weits som är New Moons directör och dom kommer också ha en intervju med Kristen imorgon:)
Q. What was your reaction when you were first offered the job?
A. I was surprised because it happened very suddenly, and I had a week and a half to decide whether I was gong to do it or not. Then I saw the first film, I saw the case and I thought, 'This is going to be great, actually. Kristen, Rob and Taylor were great' - that’s what convinced me to do it. And I read the book and I thought I saw my way of making a good version of the book. It’s really a question of whether I can do justice to the book and to please the readers. That’s my job. It’s not to run away with it and just do my version of things. It’s to be faithful to their experience of reading it.
A. I was surprised because it happened very suddenly, and I had a week and a half to decide whether I was gong to do it or not. Then I saw the first film, I saw the case and I thought, 'This is going to be great, actually. Kristen, Rob and Taylor were great' - that’s what convinced me to do it. And I read the book and I thought I saw my way of making a good version of the book. It’s really a question of whether I can do justice to the book and to please the readers. That’s my job. It’s not to run away with it and just do my version of things. It’s to be faithful to their experience of reading it.
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Kamiiiizar Mikaela
Fans reaktioner när dom såg New Moon trailern
Den här videon hittade jag på som är på mångas fans reaktioner när dom såg trailern:
tisdag 9 juni 2009
Metro har intervju med Taylor Lautner
Här kan ni läsa en väldigt bra intervju med Taylor Lautner där Metro frågor om hur det går:
Q. How’s it back being on set?
A. It’s good. I’m really excited to be back with the whole team again and our new director, Chris Weitz. It’s been a lot of fun so far and the movie’s looking great, so I couldn’t ask for more.
A. It’s good. I’m really excited to be back with the whole team again and our new director, Chris Weitz. It’s been a lot of fun so far and the movie’s looking great, so I couldn’t ask for more.
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Kram Mikaela
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