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Casting for the third Twilight movie has begun.
We got our hands on a casting notice for at least three characters in Eclipse.
Find out just what director David Slade is looking for. However, we must warn you that there are a few spoilers…
Riley "is a handsome, blond, clean-cut college boy who falls victim to Victoria," the notice reads. He's in his early to mid 20s and "plays an integral role in Victoria's attempt to murder Bella Swan."
There are two more members of the Quileute tribe and La Push wolf pack in Eclipse. Like New Moon, they are looking for Native American or First Nations actors to fill the roles.
"Seth Clearwater is a "tall, gangly-limbed boy with a huge, happy grin," the notice reads. "Seth idolizes Jacob."
Seth's big sister is 19-year-old Leah Clearwater and the only female member of La Push: "She is tall and slender with beautiful skin and short cropped black hair. She would be considered gorgeous if not for the perpetual scowl she carries due to a broken heart and her anger issues."
Läs hela HÄR
Hoppas att dom hittar rätt personer, själv tycker jag att Channing Tatum ska spelar Riley. Vilka skådespelare tycker ni ska få spela rollerna?
Kraaaaaaam Mikaela!
Glöm inte att tävla om Edward och Jacob armbanden genom att klicka HÄR
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haha eller hur! Riktigt fina =)
hej vilken fin blogg du har
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